

Labiaplasty is a surgical procedure that removes excess tissue from the labia, making it smaller either for hygienic or cosmetic reasons. In some women, the labia can become enlarged and elongated, causing discomfort when wearing certain clothing.

The procedure, although rarely spoken of, is one of the most googled cosmetic surgery procedures out there.  This quick and simple in-office procedure very effectively addresses the various concerns that women have about their labia.  Women may choose to have a labiaplasty for many different reasons:

  • Concerns with appearance due to the size, discoloration, or length of the inner or outer labia
  • Concerns with intercourse, such as pain, pulling, discomfort, and irritation
  • Concerns during physical activities, such as pain, pulling, discomfort, and irritation

If you experience any of the outlined concerns, please contact our office to schedule a private consultation with Dr. Howley.

Please note that there are no refunds on injectables, laser, or surgical procedures.